Getting Strangled as Gracefully As Possible, or A Year in the Belly of The WhaleI’ve never been much for following Sky Stuff, but I’ve always felt like I’d be a more admirable and wholesome person if I did. I feel like…Jun 23, 202133Jun 23, 202133
Published inWe Are The MediaWhat Happens When You Try To Play Your Abortion Song on Irish Television(Spoiler: it’s not pretty)Oct 24, 201910Oct 24, 201910
Published inWe Are The Mediaoh Lorde, deliver me from Fucking Joan.(this piece is an excerpt from a longer post over at my patreon. the comments and feedback over there were so phenomenal — go read them —…Jun 21, 201715Jun 21, 201715
Published inWe Are The MediaNo, I Am Not Crowdfunding This Baby (an open letter to a worried fan)How I’m slightly terrified of the oncoming mix of motherhood and art….and how judging and terrifying me further isn’t going to help me.Aug 26, 2015321Aug 26, 2015321